Administrative Law

Pages: 2 Sources: 1 Topic: Government Document #: 58941750

Administrative Law Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife Facts: Lujan, the secretary of the Interior is representing the federal government. Defenders of Wildlife is an organization that exists for the purpose of protecting endangered animals. In 1973 the federal government enacted Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered Species Act, which was originally designed to protect endangered species in the United States and foreign nations. However, the law was scaled back to only apply to

Administrative Law and Due Process

Pages: 4 Sources: Topic: Business - Law Document #: 51582344

Administrative Law & Due Process The legal foundation for due process in the U.S. is the 5th Amendment which stipulates that the infringement of certain rights of citizens with respect to life, liberty, and property will not be permitted without due process of law. The two fundamental aspects of due process are notice and hearing. The processes themselves have evolved over time, but they are manifestations of the idea that deleterious

Administrative Law Is a Very

Pages: 2 Sources: 1 Topic: Business - Law Document #: 18825335

Fairness and due process were not all that were learned in the course, however. Agency discretion is another significant issue today, and it is important here to name, describe, and give an example of two different types of agency discretion as seen in Hall's (2004) textbook. The first one of these is prosecutorial discretion, and this took place in the case of General Motors v. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Prosecutorial

Constitutional Law Case Study --

Pages: 3 Sources: 3 Topic: Business - Law Document #: 31105821

However, where a state statute exerts control over matters capable of being regulated by Congress under the Commerce Clause, those statutes are invalid because they conflict with a concept that is generally referred to as the "dormant Commerce Clause" (Dershowitz, 2002; Friedman, 2005). In modern application, federal courts apply a three-pronged test to determine whether or not a given state statute is invalid by virtue of a conflict with Congressional

Constitutional Law: Virginia V. Black

Pages: 6 Sources: -6 Topic: Business - Law Document #: 1993539

The prima facie evidence provision in this statute blurs the line between these two meanings of a burning cross. As interpreted by the jury instruction, the provision chills constitutionally protected political speech because of the possibility that a State will prosecute -- and potentially convict -- somebody engaging only in lawful political speech at the core of what the First Amendment is designed to protect. Id. At 556. In his

Constitutional Law Debate: The Legislative Branch the

Pages: 2 Sources: 4 Topic: Government Document #: 12505842

Constitutional Law Debate: The Legislative Branch The Legislative Branch of government is the most powerful for many reasons. Of course, there would be people who would argue against that and state that other branches are more powerful because of specific powers that those branches possess. Despite that argument, the Legislative Branch of the U.S. Government clearly has more power because of the types of decisions that have been entrusted to them.